Correctly aligning 4P’s of Marketing Mix takes Company to #1 position in Target Market
Correctly aligning 4P’s of Marketing Mix takes Company to #1 position in Target Market


Correctly aligning 4P’s of Marketing Mix takes Company to #1 position in Target Market

Correctly aligning the 4P’s of marketing changes the fortune of a Liquor Company in North India. Moving from the position of being in threat of Sales Quota being reduced to by government to being the market leader and allocated the highest sales quota in a span of 6 months.

A Liquor company in North India faced the threat of sales quota being reduced by the government based on poor quality feedback by Consumers & Channel members.

The Company had a low share of Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) market and that too in the low price segment, but, for years, it had good sales of country liquor, having been awarded the second highest quota in the state amongst four local players.

Management took number of measures but failed to make much impact on Consumers’ & Channel members’ perception. Approaching a dead end in its efforts to increase, or even retain its number 2 position and its market share of country liquor, the company sought some insightful solutions from Actuate Business Consulting.

Detailed market research was conducted to understand varied preferences and perceptions of Consumers. Based on the insights gained through the field studies about customers’ expectations and views & suggestions of channel numbers, wide ranging changes were introduced.

Improvements were made in Product formulations, Packaging quality, point of purchase Promotions, proper Positioning of its popular IMFL Brand’s extension as country liquor and correct Placement across different regions / segments.

Spread over a period of six months, changes were planned, tested & systematically executed. The market response was overwhelming, company was rated as number 1 in the market & got highest sales quota from government the following year.

By correctly aligning the 4Ps of marketing mix the Liquor Company leapfrogged to # 1 position in target Market.

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