Management Readings

Executives and managers invest a lot of effort and time building trust in their teams: establishing trust within their employees and ensuring that their employees trust them in return. But many employees say they do not feel trusted by their managers, and…

Studies show that bosses feel less stressed than their employees do. Bosses’ perceptions of stress are offset by factors such as status, autonomy, and job security – these are generally higher for managers than for their employees. Steve Arneson describes…

The irony for most, newly appointed managers, is that the skills and qualities that earned them the promotion are very different from those that will serve them well as a leader, and they’re often left to figure it out on…

More and more people are feeling tired & lonely at work – this is having an impact not just on individuals but organizations too. The General Social Survey of 2016 shows, that 50% of people across professions are burnt out. There…

As the world becomes increasingly digital and connected, the number of potential touch points that companies have with their customers is expanding — fast. Today, mobile is quickly becoming the remote control for our lives and opportunities for mobile connection…

It seems that everyone these days is looking for a disruptive business model (BM) but it has to be realized that BM is only one part of the equation. Equally important is the mental model behind the BM, as well…

By end of the 19th century, New York City was struggling with a manure crisis; as horses ferried people and goods through the streets of Manhattan, they produced  thousands of tons of waste, choking streets and creating a public health problem. In…

If a service company is perceived as unreliable or unfair, it is sure to lose trust of its customers. Companies, that serve customers who are in a state of stress, are especially vulnerable to losing customers’ trust when they perform poorly. Below…

“Not all smart people work for you.” – Bill Joy, the co-founder of Sun Microsystems was famous for saying it and companies are well aware of this truth. That’s why, many seek to tap the potential of “open innovation” by…

In the 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer survey, only 37% of global respondents rated CEOs to be sufficiently credible, perpetuating the pattern of low trust in recent years. These results are worrying because within an organization, trust in organizational leaders is linked to…

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