Management Readings

There’s a popular misconception that in a negotiation you can either ‘win’ or preserve your relationship with your counterpart – whether your boss, a customer or a business partner — but you can’t do both. People assume they need to…

Have you ever noticed that in a bowl of free fruit, the bananas will always go first? And no one takes the oranges at all! The reason is simple, and it’s not that the world is full of orange-haters. It’s that…

In today’s always-on, information-overloaded world, it can be hard to stay focused throughout the day. How often is one distracted by inner chatter during meetings? Or finds that emails are pulling one away from more important tasks? Most of us…

It’s not easy to understand how other people perceive us. We are often uncertain, confused, or even completely unaware of what we project. Most of us suffer from ‘transparency illusion’ — the belief that we’re an open book and that…

A Deloitte study, conducted in 2014, found that “up to 87% of America’s workforce doesn’t contribute to their full potential”. Though much has been written about a leader’s role in motivating, engaging, & bringing out the best in employees, the…

The new year is here, and for many it means resolutions. At work, this often translates into a vague desire to learn new things. But to really make consistent progress, one needs to make learning a habit. Habits are freeing because…

Millennials is a term used to refer to those who are born between 1980 and 1996. According to Gallup’s new report “How Millennials Want to Work and Live”, Millennials are the most likely to look for and change jobs. Research…

After expending considerable effort on formulating a strategy, most executives would like to see their company’s strategic plans fully executed. Deviations from the strategic plan are often assumed to be detrimental to corporate performance. However, compliance with the strategy doesn’t…

How can you invest your time wisely to ‘think like a leader’? First understand, what makes a leader. Emotional intelligence is what sets great leaders apart from the rest and is important for jobs at all levels. A high IQ…

When work is stressful, it can be difficult to disengage at the end of the day. With your mind churning, thinking about the mountain of tasks back at the office and distracted by work emails at the dinner table, it…

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