Market Leader

Market Leader

It is no longer just about good adverts, better promotion techniques, and passive communication with your consumers. The buzzword in the market is Consumer Engagement. The “Engagement Economy” signifies a strong change in the way marketers connect with their customers.…

By end of the 19th century, New York City was struggling with a manure crisis; as horses ferried people and goods through the streets of Manhattan, they produced  thousands of tons of waste, choking streets and creating a public health problem. In…

In the 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer survey, only 37% of global respondents rated CEOs to be sufficiently credible, perpetuating the pattern of low trust in recent years. These results are worrying because within an organization, trust in organizational leaders is linked to…

The most important elements of Value as per type of business   Across all industries, perceived ‘Quality’ has the greatest effect on customer advocacy. Though some of the below listed elements are more important than others and vary by industry;…

Elements of Value: What customers really want? What customers really value in a product or  service can be hard to pin down. So how can leadership teams / managers determine the best way to add more value to their company’s…

Correctly aligning the 4P’s of marketing changes the fortune of a Liquor Company in North India. Moving from the position of being in threat of Sales Quota being reduced to by government to being the market leader and allocated the…

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